A Quick and Easy Way to Start Improvising

Improvising on the classical guitar is something rarely done these days. But did you know that improvising was a VERY common skill for classical musicians in the past? In fact, the wonderful composer Isaac Albéniz, who wrote pieces like Asturias, was an incredible improviser.

But before we reach those kind of stratospheric levels of improvising, we need to get started first.

What you probably wouldn’t expect: Improvisation can (and probably should) be guided by a lot of structure.

What the video below to learn how you can use basic structures and patterns to immediately begin improvising. I’ve seen it time and time again, where someone who has NEVER improvised before suddenly starts getting in the zone and creating beautiful music on the spot in front of other guitarists in a workshop! Amazing!

You can also download the PDF worksheet below too. Have fun!


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