What Mozart and Bach said about composing

There are a lot of misconceptions about composing.

People often think that you need to be born with it.

Or unless your first composition is a masterpiece as good as Bach, you shouldn’t bother composing ever again.

These thoughts and beliefs we have will stop people from even trying to compose.

And composing can be one of the most rewarding, valuable and satisfying things you can do on an instrument.

I had these kinds of beliefs for a while and didn’t compose for almost 20 years! When I was first playing guitar, I wanted to compose and even wrote a piece that I loved playing.

But then… I stopped and didn’t start again until just 4-5 years ago. I go through this story more in the video below.

If we look at what composers themselves said, it might take you by surprise. These quotes are also featured in the video below.

Which quote do you find most surprising and why?

My latest composition: For my Uncle Tamang

My uncle recently passed to Heaven and I composed this in his memory. This piece tries to capture his personality and tender nature in the A section, represented by the key of D Major. It then changes to B Major, which represents him being in Heaven. It ends on an Ab Major chord, which is said to symbolize eternity.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" --- John 3:16

Composing can be a wonderful outlet, where you can try to communicate thoughts, ideas and feelings in a way that often transcends words.

You can learn to compose your own piece with guidance for every single bar, taking away any mystery about what to do.

My online course has been used by dozens of guitarists and you can listen to their pieces and testimonials by clicking the button below.

There’s really no other course like it. Lots of composing courses teach you about composition, but you don’t get the end result of actually writing a beautiful piece that you can play.

This course is designed with the beginner composer in mind, with information presented in very simple and practical ways.

You’re given precise instructions on what to do and you’ll learn so much about music in the process. From things like form, phrase structure, harmony, texture and more.


Counterpoint: Melodic Conversations